School Magazine Contents Page Research

I think that this content page is quite bland however it makes it look even more professional. If I was going to be creating the whole of the magazine and photographing other things then I would use the idea which has been shown on this page and show photographs of the main stories with the page number next to it. I may adapt this idea and incorporate it into my own work. However I only like the three at the top that form a look like a header and not the random one at the bottom. I do not like the way on this content page that the list of pages is set out, I think it looks random and messy and also leaves a lot of blank space. I like the way that it says ‘CONTENTS’ largely at the top of the page, I think it looks very defined and shows that the page should follow as organized. I like the use of colour scheme on this page also. It is kept to a minimal 3 colour, red, black and a white background, all of which complement each other and look smart together.

Although I think that this contents page looks formal and professional I think that it lacks excitement and would not be suitable for the type of magazine I am currently creating. However there are some features about it that I could potentially adapt into my own work. I like the way that page number is written in a different colour to the rest of the text and the heading of the page is bolded. This makes the subject of the pages stand out more and the magazine easier to navigate around as well as it being an aesthetically pleasing feature. I also like the way that this contents page is not too filled up therefore not looking too busy and that it only has minimal colours used which also ensures that there is not too much going on on the page which can potentially be distracting. 

Similarly this magazine contents page would not be appropriate for the type of magazine I am currently creating, however I really like this contents page. I really like the use of photography which is present, however I think that it works so well because the photo was shot with a plain white background which has been able to act as a background for the the text also. I have not got this in my photos that I shot however I will definitely add photographs in the contents page as it makes it much more interesting to look at therefore attracting you to read the rest of the magazine. Once again I also like that there is a clear title stating 'Contents' and the use of bolding the sub-titles and a minimal colour scheme on the page.

All of the magazine contents pages which I have looked at during this part of my research have been for differernt types of magazines however I have found that I have a clear idea of what makes a good contents page as they all contain similar features that I like and wish to incorporate into my own work.

1 comment:

  1. When you have only a little bit of research it is very important to be as thorough as possible in your analysis. For instance with the last two contents pages herein the rule of thirds is not only obeyed but is so in a very similar manner. It is important that you draw attention to things like that.
