School Magazine Photos Shoot 1

From the preliminary and secondary research that I have carried out I made some firm decisions on the photo that I wanted to create for my magazine front cover. I had decided that the photograph that I took would show two students celebrating their exam results that they had achieved. I also knew that I wanted my photo to be set in an outside environment where there would be natural lighting. I took photos of the two models in two slightly different outside settings, some with the only trees in the background and some with a broken background of trees and grass. I tried a number of different poses with the two models and their exam results. With each of the 56 photos that I took for this first shoot there were positive and negative points with each, however I have picked three of my favourites for different reasons to discuss the good and bad points. From this I will have a more detailed idea of what to achieve in the next shoot.

The features which I like about this photo include the position in which the students are standing, the way that the girl on the right is sightly behind and looking over the shoulder of the girl in front. The natural expressions and pose of this photo make it seem more believable . Its looks as if they are comparing their results and have a genuine connection. I like the background setting I have used for this photo and how it is natural as oppose to a backdrop. However the picture is not angled correctly and the figures are too far down the page, there are some dark patches in the background and there is a dark shadow on the left side of the behind figures face.
Once again I like this photo due to the natural pose of the girls, the way that they have been captures looking genuinely as if they are both pleased with each other. I also think that this photo is one of the most crisp/sharp out of the selection that I took. There is good lighting on the faces of both students and it also follows a similar background to I planned. However asimilar to above, the photo has not been taken within the rule of thirds and the figures are too far down the shot.
This shot is taken with a different background to the previous although I think that it gives the best lighting within this setting I am not sure that it looks as professional. The division line  between the grass and trees cuts the page in half and if I was to try this shot again I would angle the camera lower to try and exclude this. I must also take into consideration that the random leaves on the floor are a distraction to the picture and must be removed. However I would say that the pose of this picture is my favourite out of all that I have taken as the girls look so natural and connected and I like how bright the picture is , signifying happiness.

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