School Magazine Front Cover Research

·         The banner that is used in the top right hand corner of the magazine is an eye catching feature as the white background is different to the background image and stands out as the first thing for the reader to look at. Also the large and changing width border which is used around this title banner makes it bolder and more noticeable, however I don’t like the way that there border goes along the inside vertically of the banner. This would be a feature I would want my magazine to include so it is obvious what schools magazine it was and it was interesting for the reader.
·         The colours that have been used for text on this magazine cover coordinate well with the main colours that are seen on the background image. I particularly like that way which the background of the title banner is reverse to the background of the text at the bottom of the magazine. I think that this is a good way of keeping the colour scheme small and consistent without being boring. I think that not having the text box as a standard box shape, instead an unbalanced semi-circular shape makes the text box stand out as more interesting and exciting feature to be on the front cover.  However a feature about the colours used that I do not like is the ombre background which has been used in the text box. I think it overcomplicates the colour scheme which has been previously consistent and looks like a random, potentially even a mistake. I think a magazine cover looks better the smaller the amount of different colours that you add onto the front page as this makes it look messy and unprofessional.
·         I like the font which has been used for the title, the way it is bold and obvious to the reader. However it is quite a simple plain text which is not the image that I wish to portray for the well-established, English Literature and ICT School I am creating the magazine for. It is an good feature that the font used on the front cover runs constant throughout except the “in this issue subheading” used in the bottom textbox. I think it would have looked better if this could have been the same as the rest. This is an aspect I will make sure is consistent on my magazine.
·         The photograph which has been used for this picture is clear and bright. It shows 3 of the students playing netball, showing that sport is encouraged in the school. For the situation which it is in, I like the angle which it has been shot from as it shows the significance of the ball. The bright lighting and colours seen in the picture convey that there is a good mood about the sport and the students are enjoying it.

·         I think that this magazine front cover looks very unprofessional. The main reason influencing my opinion on this is the poor quality of the photograph. It is a good concept which I like, using flowers and certificates to show congratulating good results, however the photo looks as if it has been taken on a mobile device for personal viewing; not for the front cover of a magazine. A positive point I have realised from this photo is that I wish for my front cover photograph to be focused on a group of people instead of a single character.
·         The title of the magazine is too small for it to have any major attention drawn to it from the reader; I think it needs to be considerably larger. I also do not think the sub title of ‘magazine’ was needed, especially not in a different colour adding to the unprofessional look of the magazine.
·         The front cover of this magazine looks more like a photograph with writing on than anything that has had its layout thought about.  There is very little structure to it. I will ensure that my magazine has more structure to the front cover and also contains more information on the front that will attract readers.
·         The bar at the bottom of this magazine is too small to be able to comfortably read the text which is inside it, therefore I will ensure with my magazine cover that all text on the front of it is a reasonable size for the audience to be able to read.
·         There is also a lack of constancy to the fonts and font size which have been used on this magazine front cover. I think this makes it look especially unprofessional and I will not do this on my own.

1 comment:

  1. I am finding the red difficult to red on the grey background
