Wednesday 2 January 2013

Evaluation Question Two

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups ?

The magazine that I have created is not based specially on a certain genre of music such indie or RnB, it is a chart magazine that incorporates a large range. This means that it is not as specifically focused on a certain style that will attract a people with certain interests; for example a heavy rock magazine with all dark colours, representation to the instruments that are played and language that is used within that social group.  The Big TOP 40 is a weekly listing of the music chart and the ITunes Download is a real time chart that music lovers can follow at any time. It has also been noticed that the people who I am aiming my magazine at ; those who are interested in and follow chart music, are also within the group who are the most interested in different aspects of the music industry and its convergence with TV and Internet.

I would say that my magazine represents the average older teenager to young adult from 16-21 who actively enjoy and follow the music chart and its new entries. I have used different ways of representing this social group of modern day music lovers on the products that I have created for my  music magazine through the clothing of my models, stories included, visual aspects of the page and language used.

Below is a glogster that I have created that shows the way that I have representations of different genres form the music chart in my final products. It also includes social media responses from people that fit into my target audience when I ask them what to you associate with chart music

Below I have used the technology of thinglink to show my front cover and contents page in an interactive form. When hovered over the certain areas I have mentioned how this part of the page represents the social group I have created my chart music magazine for

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