Monday 3 December 2012

Saffron Staz- Third Shoot

For my double page spread, I will be using the same model that I used on the front cover of my magazine to focus the article around. For this reason I have carried out a third photo shoot with this model so that I can improve some of the poses that I had already tried in earlier shoots and also try new ones.

I tried a few different outfits in this photo shoot to experiment with different looks for my model. However I found that the outfit that reflected the personality of empowerment that I am trying to portray through this model and connected article was the plain black , tight outfit that she wore for the front cover shoots. Similarly to this I experimented with different poses and positioning of the model as well as camera angles. However the ones which I feel worked the best and portray the best attitude is are shoots which I had improved from previous shoots with this model as oppose to the new stuff that I had tried. 

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