Thursday 6 December 2012

Final Double Page Spread

Above you can see the final double page spread that I have created for my magazine. I have made some changes since the first draft to develop it further making it look more professional. As planned I used a drop shadow effect on the title of the article and after using it on that, I went on to use it on the pull quote which can be seen in the centre of the right hand page. This makes it a heavier visual weight to the centre of the page which stands out more, making the quote more noticed and attracting readers. I also used an underline feature on the sub title of "what to expect" as that also looked unfinished without  any added detail, especially when the drop shadow made the main title even more powerful and eye-catching, underlining the sub title created a better balance on the page. I also made the pull quote slightly bigger and moved it a tiny bit further down from the colour bar to remove some blank space. Changes I made to the article include making the text slightly heavy so it appeared bolder and easier to read. I also noticed some spelling and grammatically errors that I have now amended and orphans that I have removed. I ensured that all of the lines that created the border around the spread were perfectly straight and met in all of the correct places to give it a sleek finish. Finally I added a page number to the left hand page of the spread as that will make it much easier for the magazine to be followed through the contents page.

I like the way that the finished version of my double page spread is not overly complicated giving it a fresh look which fits well with the feel of my magazine. I also am happy with my decision that I made to clone the background of the image across the double page spread to give it a textured feel instead of editing it to be white.

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