Wednesday 5 December 2012

Double Page Spread First Draft

This is the first draft that I have created of the double page spread of my magazine. I have tried to link it very specifically to the lady gaga double page spread that I researched in detail and I feel as if I have mostly met this effectively however have adapted some of the design to fit my own photo and ideas. I chose this photo for the spread as I feel it fits very well with the theme of powerful women that I portrayed on my front cover ( with the same model ). I very much like the pose and the models eye line as she can be seen looking into the distance making her seem mysterious.  In my research I found that if the model was stretching the entire width of the page so did the title to ensure that there was a balance on the page. To achieve a balance on my page I positioned the title of the spread to the right hand side of the page as the model is slightly to the left.  I think I have used visual weights well on this spread through the use of the colour bar at the top and centre of my page which is used in conjunction with a pull quote. I am happy with the overall layout and core features of the spread however there are some aspects of it that I will develop to ensure it looks professional and well finished.
As the second page of my spread is very text heavy , I will increase the weight of the writing so that is is easier to read and does not blend together. I have used lines to create the border for the spread and in points they are not perfectly straight or reaching the exact points making it look unprofessional and messy. This is something I must fix. I will also add a page number to the left hand page of the spread as this will make the magazine easier to follow through the contents page.  Finally I feel as if there is something missing on the large features such as the title, subtitle and pull quote, I will attempt to drop shadow these features to see if it improves their aesthetic appeal.

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