Tuesday 4 December 2012

Double Page Spread Hand Drawn

When creating the had drawn designs for my double page spread I feel like I was the most specific with my initial ideas that I have been for all products. I had a very clear idea from the outset, after my initial research of different ways that I could approach the page of how I wanted mine to look. I knew that I wanted a whole page on the left of the spread that was dedicated to a photo of my model and the main title to be on that page with the article on the opposite page. I experimented with different ways that I could present a pull quote in the middle of the article and in my second lot of drawings, bottom images, show how I developed my ideas once I had chosen to use a square pull quote, to add in different elements such as bars of colour and a piece of writing within the border. Out of the two developed drawings I think the bottom one is the strongest and is what I will follow when creating the page.

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