Sunday 7 October 2012

Cover Model First Shoot

For the front cover of my music magazine I have completed the first shoot of my chosen model. Overall I took 148 photographs on this session and within that I incorporated a number of different poses, all following my theme of strong, powerful women. I also used 4 different outfit variations on my model. I picked this model as I believe she fits my brief well as she has the two strong features which are important to my photographs; lips and eyes.

Out of all of the photographs that I took in this first shoot I have chosen 7 which I feel are the strongest for different reasons differing between each of them. These are the ones which I ill focus on developing the negative aspects about in the next shoot which I carry out to ensure that my photo sessions become more focused on capturing the final shot.

The positioning of the model in this photo would work well with leaving room for other aspects to be included on my front cover. I like the pose which she is positioned in however would like to make it stronger and facial expression more harsh. This photo was also not taken well as it has come out blurred so I must ensure that I keep the camera stable while taking the shot.

I very much like the facial expression of the model in this photograph as it portrays the strong attitude of my magazine perfectly. The body position that she is in also works well with this. However I feel that she is too far down the page and would like to move slightly closer into her face so that there is more empahsis on her powerful eyes.

Again I feel like I have the model positioned too far down the page and must ensure that when I re shoot this that I remember the rule of thirds as well as the other features that will be going on the front cover of my magazine. However I think her slightly tilted head and raised eye line works really well with my theme of power. 

The positioning of the model is better in this photograph and I think that the costume works well with the theme of a powerful woman as well as the pose that it allows the model to work with. When re shooting this I will adjust the models eyeline so that she looks stronger and as if she is looking down on the accidence. 

I really like the pose which the model is in here, by looking up at her it really emphasizes the power which she possess . I think that her eyes look particularly strong therefore will make this slightly closer up so that they are more noticed.

I belive this is one of the strongest photos that I took. It shows a lot of attitude coming from my model portraying exactly the right mood which I planned out. The slightly messy hair also adds to this effect. I will position this photo next time so that she is slightly further up the page and closer in to her face.

Different to all of the others which I have chosen, this is a photo which I want to re shot as it still follows the theme of a strong woman however I think that it has a slightly different edge to it and shows relaxed power that she is uncomfortable with. The colours on her outfit also portray this. I feel that I shot this photo too far away from the model so this is an aspect that I will focus on next time.

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