Monday 8 October 2012

Cover Model Second Shoot

When photographing the second shoot for my music magazine I attempted to reproduce the images that I had   previously chosen as my favourites from the first shoot and made the relevant changes. 

 After looking at all of the photographs that I have taken in this shoot I have chosen this as the one that I will use on the front cover of my magazine. I have chosen this photo as I feel that the model is portraying the right attitude that I planned which is a strong female attitude not only with the pose which she is positioned in but also in her facial expressions. This photograph that I have chosen is strongly linked to the research that I have previously carried out. During the process of shooting the images I have varied the outfit which she has been wearing however I have chosen to use the most simple outfit for the final product. This is because i feel it makes the model look the most powerful when she is not over complicated. I also feel that the lighting int his photograph is strong and compliments my models skin tone. However I have noticed there is a problem with this photograph which is that the models nails are on show an are not a colour that fits in with my theme nor matches the rest of the photo. I will use an editor programme such as Photoshop to edit this and ensure that the colour of her nails are a red that match the colour of her lips. I will also use photo shop to make the background of this image a smooth texture and not the crinkled sheet that can currently be seen. These changes will improve the quality of the image before it is placed on my front cover.

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