Wednesday 3 October 2012

Front Cover General Research

As I begin the research for my chart music magazine that I will be creating I will start by researching magazines which are similar to what I will be creating. I will analyse the factor that I like and dislike about these magazine covers. The consistency that I have kept throughout this stage of research is the shot of the photograph on the page and where it is cut off at the top/middle of the models legs.

I like the colour scheme which has been used on this cover, the dark background with the white writing makes it almost jump off of the page for the reader, it also creates consistency between the colour of the text and the dress of the model which also is bright. I very much like the way that the model is lit in this photograph and especially the way that it looks as if the light is radiating off the model into the top right hand corner where the background becomes lighter, This also makes the model seem more important and almost angelic. I don't like that there is a large piece of writing above the title of the magazine which makes it pushed so far down the page that it nearly reaches the bottom of the models neck, I believe it would be better if the writing above it was smaller and the title was slightly further up the page so that it was only at the top of the models head. I understand that the title/logo of the magazine involved the bright pop colours in the circles of it however I think to makes it look more fitted then all of them colours should have been incorporated into the magazine cover. Another feature which I think looks effective is having some of the features on the cover set behind the model and others in front.

I do no like the colour scheme which has been used on this cover at all. I think that the colours look cheap and unprofessional. However I do understand why it has been used as it fits in with the make up and skin tone of the model. I think that this cover would have looked better if the photo was set onto a light colour background such a white. This could have been colour matched from the colour which we see on the models eyes. The shades of gold which have been used could still have been incorporated by changing the writing which is currently in white to gold. The writing which has been used above the title on this cover is much smaller from the one above which I mentioned that I did not like, this smaller size text makes the title shift further up the page so that it is in in line with the top of the models head which is what I said would have looked better about the other cover. I like the way that the writing is positioned on the page, there is no hangings on the edges and that it increases in size as it reaches the bottom of the page. The writing which says 'woman of the year' makes her seem like a strong powerful woman and the pose which she has been set into follows this and I like the way that it links together.

Where all of the other models have been set looking as if they are behind or partly behind the text or other features which are on the page, the model on this cover is on front of everything. I think that especially with the model in this pose it makes her stand out to much and looks more like a photograph with text on to me than the front cover. I think that the font which has been used works well for the title of magazine and portrays that the magazine will be quite simple and straight forewarn  but this is when the font is used in a large size and is stretched out. However when the same font is used in a much smaller size on the page it is very difficult to read and could in fact potentially turn people off reading it. I think that is makes it worse that it is all very squashed together. This also creates blank spaces on the page which could have been avoided if they has spaced and positioned the words and had a variation of sizes. But overall I really like the the way that the text and other features on the page have been laid out. 

This cover contains the same model as the cover above. The model has been put in a similar position which suggests that this is an angle that compliments the models body best. When photographing my model for the front page of the magazine I must make sure that I am doing this to her. I like the colour scheme which has been used on this cover as it is simple which makes it look to a professional standard and organized. As on the covers which I analysed above, I think a good features about this cover is that there is a small piece of writing above the covers title/logo at the top of the page and it is not too big. The logo on this cover is also in good relation to the top of the models head. I don't like the writing which covers majority of the logo , although you can still see the logo clearly I think that the overlapping looks messy and it could have been spaced smaller and positioned further across in the blank space next to it. I like the way that the text on the left hand side of the model is in colour filled boxes and looks similar to the way that it would on the back of an album cover which associated with the theme of the magazine. However I do think this could have been made one size larger so that is is slightly easier to read. The use of the circle which is used on the right hand side of the model is positioned well as it fits in a curve in her body. The colour of the circle fits well with the rest of the scheme which has been used on the cover however by having it different colour to the rest it helps to making it stand out more. By using a circle on the cover, it automatically draw the human eye to the information in the centre of it therefore causing the reader to the be instantly attracted to the information in the middle of the centre.

Out of all the covers which I have analysed I think that this one looks the most unprofessional. The features which I don't like about this cover include the colour of the title, as the rest of the magazine is black and white I think that a stronger, bolder colour should have been used. I also think that the model is too far up at the top of the page. Also there is no text above the title which makes this seem as if that as well is too close to the top of the page. However I think that the way that the rest of the content on the page is positioned so that it fits around the shape of the models body in the pose she is in. I also like the sue of bolding and different size texts which draw the attention of the reader more.

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