Thursday 11 October 2012

Music Magazine Final Front Cover

Since the first draft of the front cover that I posted, I have made the changes that I mentioned previously that I would along with some others that seemed relevant as I continued the development process. Some of the plans that I had made, I attempted but did not look effective; for example the movement of the cross and win feature to the top of the page. I decided to keep this where it was as the cross is also close to the main headline which I also want the reader to have their attention drawn towards. However to make the top of the page slightly heavier I have increased the size of the main title. Also, after experimenting with different ways I could fill the blank space, I have added a small blue banner across the right hand corner of the page which displays the issue number on it. I like this feature as I think it is something that could be used on every issue of the magazine as a form of house style and could incorporate what ever colour scheme that issue of the magazine is following. As planned I included the creamfields logo instead of the text as this is a logo that my target audience are familiar with and will therefore attract them to the magazine. I used a clipping path edge on this logo so that it blended in with the background of the cover. I have re-arranged the way in which the articles are displayed and increased the weight of the text so that they stand out more as well as ensuring they are all lined up giving the magazine an organized finish. 
I am pleased with the outcome of this product, I really like the pose of the model and think that the eye contact with her is especially drawing for the reader enticing them to "enter". I feel this cover portrays the attitude of powerful women that I intended to create. I also feel as if the relatively simplistic colour scheme that I used makes it appealing for everyone as being a chart magazine it includes many genres of music therefore must be flexible for my target audiences preferences.

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