Thursday 4 October 2012

Further Front Cover Research

I have come to the conclusion that the model that I will photograph for my magazine cover will have a powerful woman on it that is positioned in a way that makes her seem strong and terrorising to men. In this stage of my research I will look at different images which portray woman in a similar way to this to find positive and negative aspects of photographs of this nature.

The model on this cover is seen to have a round face that her hair covers the outline of. The model is faced directly forward looking straight into the camera so it is like she is staring straight at the reader. The eyes of the model and the way that her lips are positioned are the important factors about this photograph  The pose which she is in with her hand on her hips emphasize the power she is holding. Also by showing her facing straight forward shows there is no other angles which the person can be portrayed and she is open.
The eye line of this model looking up towards the camera making however it does not seem like there is something bigger than her but more as if she is threatening and ready for unleash. The position of her arms also suggest this and make her elbows forward make her seem sharp
The position that we see this model in shows her with a clenched fist at the bottom of the photo and her finger spread and her thumb in her mouth. The hand at the top of the photo covers one of her eyes making her seem mysterious however the biting of the thumb make her seem extremely strong and portray her as a man eater. The pose she is in also leaves her body as open showing she has nothing to hide and is not ashamed of her powerful personality.

This photograph is focused on the eyes and hair of the model. Her squinted eyes make her seem judgemental of everything as if she is analysing every aspect of what she sees before approval. This could show she has high standards that she wants others to meet up to other wise she would not give them a second look. Her flying hair portrays another side of her personality which makes her seem wild and crazy. The cigarette hanging from her lips also adds to this side of her personality making her seem rebellious and not afraid to break the rules.
This cover is different to all of the others which I have analysed regarding powerful women. This shows the model from a side angle and she also has her mouth open. However it is not any less powerful than the others as her mouth is in a shape which suggests she hungry and and also has a lot to say for herself. It also looks seductive. Her eye line looking round to the front into the camera is threatening similar to the other photographs. However the shape that her body is I don't think fits in with the theme I am trying to follow as it is more sexual than powerful.

I am aware that the pose of this following magazine from my general research does not fit with that I am trying to portray however the positioning of the text and other feature on the page is the way that I will lay out my magazine 

A large title at the top of the page with a header above this makes is a feature of this magazine that i really like as it think the  header above the title stops it looking like a poster and more like a magazine front cover. I also very much like the way that the text is laid out on this magazine down both sides of the page however I think it would be better if the "kay perry " which is the name of the cover model was in large in the middle of the page somewhere.

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