Monday 5 November 2012

Extreme Close Up Photos

After deciding that another one of the photos that I wanted to include on the contents page was an extreme close up of part of a models face I took these photos with the cannon SLR with inspiration from my research.

I was happy with the photos that I took in this shoot and decided that re-shooting was not necessary  Out of the 28 photos that I took in this shoot I have chosen the below to manipulate and use on the contents page of my magazine. I have chosen this one as my covering her eye it makes the model seem  mysterious which is an element that makes her seem powerful which is the image that this edition of my magazine is portraying.

I have manipulated the image and increased the vibrancy  so give the models skin a brighter colour, made her eye brighter, colourized her lips to a dark colour, removed spots, blemishes and wrinkles on the fingers, filled her eyebrows and cloned her eyelashes to make them look fuller. All of the changes which I have made have given me a final product which looks professional and will fit with the other images I will include on the page and the theme of the magazine.

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