Tuesday 6 November 2012

Live Music Photos For Contents Page

 I decided that I wanted to use a photo of a live music event on my content page. At  a recent concert that I went to I focused on taking some photos that would be suitable to be used on my contents page.

Out of the photos that I took at the event I feel like these are the two which look the most professional and would be suited to be used on the contents page which I am creating. 

Even though I was already font of the lighting that can be seen in the photos and the colour that can be seen, I experimented with manipulated the colours that can be seen in them.

After experimenting with the photos I have decided to stick with the original that I took of Jay McGuiness from The Wanted. I think all of the other ones that I manipulated look too over edited due to the bright colours and lights. 

After the first draft of my contents page I realised that I should try and make this photo pick up more of the blue shades as opposed to the reds to make it fit with the blue on the other images on the page . I experimented with the saturation and edited the photo further.

I have chosen to use the top of these two photos as I feel the bottom is too bright and does not fit with  the other images which I have used on the page.

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