Monday 12 November 2012

Contents First Draft

This is the first draft that I have created for my contents page and there are many things that I am not happy about and feel need to be changed to ensure my final product could be in line with real media products. Although initially when doing title font research I had the creative idea to challenge the inspiration that I got from my research and use diagonal boxes for the title and issue headings however when I have used this design with all of the other features and contents listings. This has made me realise that I should not challenge my research of real media products and in my final design for this aspect of the design/ I will return to using one of the other designs that I created which will be a simpler plain red filled box. I also do not think the overall layout of the page is balanced and working correctly. There is too much weight in the centre of the page which does not follow the rule of thirds. I will swap the positions of the features listing on the right hand side with the two images that are currently running down the centre of the page. I will do this and slightly increase the size of the two images with the intentions that it will add more balance to the structure of the page. I pleased with the way that the photos that I have used on this page have turned out and I like the variety that I have used as this was something that I found interesting in my research. Although I have included a variety of images they are still all relevant to the stories I have included in my chart music magazine, and I have made sure the readers know what story they are attached to by putting the page number of the story in the corner of the image; another technique that I found in my research. Although I like the chart bar that I have added onto the contents page I think that it is not visually correct, I think it could be improved by making it smaller, I will measure the size it should be in relation to the two images that will be above it in the next design. I also like the gradient fill as it represents songs doing well as they reach the top of the chart however I think that the black/white/grey swatch is too dark and harsh fro or the other colours that I have used on the page. I will attempt to pick up a lighter blue/grey shade from the image that is next to it, this will also create colour consistency on my page.

This is not the first draft of the contents page which I have created as previous to this  follow the design I had created by hand and realized this was not working at all.

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