Tuesday 13 November 2012

Final Contents Page

I feel as if the contents page that I have created is the product that I have made the most progression with since the firdt draft. There are many aspects that I have chnaged about this product to improve it and make it in  line with real media products that I have researched such as Q and smash hits magazine. Many of the things that I have chaged about the page I have done in order to create more balance on the page and ensure that it does not look unequal as it did in my first draft. I swapped the postions of the contents listings and the two images which were previiously running down the centre of the page.I have also increased the size of these to images in thier new positios to mke them the same size as the chart bar. Another large change that I have made to the page is chnaging the header at the top of the page to a standard rectangular filled box instead of the two diagonal boxes. When initially researchig title heading desings I though this would be too boring therefore used a creative design however this did not look effective on my page in relation  to the other aspect that are on  the page which is why I have reverted to using a more simple design. To balance this I have inserted a colour filled box at the bottom of the page. I acheived the exact same colours in these two boxes by using the eyedropper tool on indesign.
I am pleased with the significant progress that I have made from  my first draft of my contents page and the final product. I like the clear colour scheme that I have used on this page and the way that there is cosistency coming through into this from my front cover. I have ensured that I have kept this colour scheme on the page through using the eyedropper tool on many occasions to achieve the exact same shades of a colour. I have also changed the photo numbered 31 to pick up more of the blues in the background lighting rather than the reds which can  be seen in my previous draft. This keeps consistancy through the colours that I have used on all the images on  this page. I a also very happy with the way that the chart bar has turned out in this final versions. I think that changing it from the top 10 to top 5 has made it look  lot less random on the page as it fits in as a similar size to other images that are close to it. I have also picked up a the swatch of blue which I have used for a gradient swatch as that is a colour which fits in with my page where as the black/grey previosuly looked too harsh.  I also like the way that my page is structured , all the cover stories together in one coloumn and the other stories in  another. As well as it it all lines up well with each other adn ther are no overhangs or orphans in my text making it look professional.

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