Thursday 1 November 2012

Music Magazine Initial Contents Page Research

The large title in serif font on this content page looks like the headline of a newspaper, giving off the feel that this is a more formal document. This is not the sort of attitude that I want my magazine to portray as I don't think it would be appealing to the audience. I will avoid this by not putting a large title in a serif font on my contents page. I like that there is a good use of images on this page however I think that there may be too many which takes the focus away from the purpose of the page which is to assist readers in navigating around the magazine. I like the numbers which have been used for the pages, that they are bold and are in a clear font that is easy to read. This magazine has mainly focused there contents page on the stories that they have included on the front cover. I think I will use images for some of the stories but also for other stories that the reader does not yet no about. I also think that it is important that all pages of the magazine is mentioned in the contents page, unlike what this magazine has done. The 'plus' feature is a good way of drawing the readers attention to certain stories.

I really like the use of images that can be seen on this contents page and the way that there are the page number for where the associated story can be found on the image. I also think that 3 is a good number of images to have on the page as well as the way they have varied the size of each of them. However I dont like the the way that the page is laid out overall and think that there should be images and text on both sides of the page eve if the balance is uneven.  Another feature about this page that I think works well is the way that different types of articles are split up. This is something that I will try to use in my design. Finally I think it is eye-catching for the reader when the page number of the page is bigger than the story and the title is bolder.

An important feature of this contents page is the chart which is running own the left hand side of the page. This is something which makes the magazine have a unique feature and show what type of magazine it is which is a chart music magazine similar to my own. I think this is something which I could interpret into my design onto the contents page as it fits perfectly with what the magazine I am creating is about. However I would not have it so large that it took up as much room as it has on this page, as I think this looks slightly overpowering. I think that the use of images on this page is no content  and don't like that 3 block images have been used t the top of the page and then the cut out of the girl in the middle of the page looks out of place and random. However I really like the use of the block images and the number of the page associated with them on it. I like the attempt of splitting the page up into different sections however I think this would look better if they were split up more clearly into defined sections. Making the page numbers bold and putting the headings of the articles in a different colour is an effective technique for grabbing the audiences attention

I think that the fact that this page does not have a title makes it look incomplete and unprofessional. I must ensure that I include a title on my contents page to avoid this problem. The thing that catches the viewers eye first on this page is the large block picture.I also like the way that this picture has a headline on it as well as a large number of the page that the story is on.and However this could be also because the are no other images on the page. I think that if there were more images on the page in this block style it would be a much more effective contents page. I think that is good that this magazine has include all of the stories that it has onto the contents page unlike others who haven't although I would not put so much writing underneath each heading as it make the page look a little overcrowded and could put the reader off. I like the way that this page has been structured into sections making it look organized.  

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